Old stuff that doesn't go anywhere else.
images, guides and more.
Friendly Help For Fucking Idiots
Until everybody stops being stupid.
Songs For Your Heart To Sing
It's a big list of songs, guy.
ITV Nation
A brief guide on how to receive all the regional ITV channels anywhere in
the country, using a Sky digibox.
Emulators for Xbox
The web's only known direct-download site for console and computer emulators for the (chipped) Xbox.
Birth Of A Stupid Idea
The first mock-ups of what would become Digiworld (pic
pic 2).
Andy Warhol's Donkey Kong

Dancing Hitler
Does exactly what it says on the tin.
Fruit machine downloads
Game files created by me for use with the MFME fruit machine emulator.
A Nice Song
That I once managed to work into a CTW article. (NB Song is not nice.)
MAME bezel downloads
Over 300 graphic files designed to make vertical-screen games look prettier in MAME. (Made specifically for Xbox MAME, but work with any version.)
What the hell's he doing to that Pokemon?
Ouch. (Undoctored image straight from the title screen.)
It's just a funny picture, man.
Pinball downloads
Game files created by me for use with the superb pinball emulator system Visual Pinball/Visual PinMAME.
SOS Score Attack Shooting
A fantastic freeware game from Japan. Can you beat Stu's high score of
1,468,700? (Answer: No, you cannot.)
Farewell to innocence
A screenshot map of the Spectrum version of Out Run. For no particularly
good reason.
Why The BBC Is Great
Licence fee? Bargain.