AP2 is more or less about what happened to AMIGA POWER.
(More or less because all of it would involve heaping some strikingly harsh personal abuse on particular people, which is almost entirely worthless.)
It is nothing whatsoever to do with the publishers of AMIGA POWER, who know nothing of it.
(Hello, publishers of AMIGA POWER. We trust you are well.)
There's a lot of it.
(Over twenty pages, in fact.)
It's more information than even we wanted to know.
(Some of it terribly dull.)
In it, baffling events are cleared up.
(Though sometimes not fully, as this would involve heaping etc etc.)
There's no actual point to AP2.
(After all, who cares what happened to a computer games magazine that closed eight months ago, and which few liked anyway, preferring comforting ignorance to its uncompromising honesty?)
It champions that which made AMIGA POWER great.
(It also points out amusing errors and idiotic unpleasantnesses, and the occasional painful truth.)
Frequently it becomes extremely angry about stupidity and calculated dishonesty. There is rudeness.
(But we're all kids here, right?)
There are some new things in it.
(Reprinting text from AMIGA POWER has been deliberately avoided. That would be cheap and unsatisfying. It breaks the laws of copyright in far more imaginative ways.)
You might think that telling you exactly where our five hardy jokes came from spoils them, or that revealing a running gag to be an unguessably obscure pop reference destroys its winning absurdity, or that, more importantly, everything should have been left alone. Explaining a trick ruins the trick.
(In which case, we salute you. Switch off, but rest assured that, although some foolishnesses are laid bare, including three occasions of extraordinary stupidity, the reputation of AMIGA POWER cannot be damaged. We joked about things, we entertained ourselves and hoped we did the same to other people (the only way you can do it - anything else is patronising and untruthful), we pulled the wool over your eyes and we made things up, but we never, ever lied.)
AP2 is something we did because we missed AMIGA POWER.
(As we set the final issue alight and floated it incompetently up the River Avon, there was a feeling that we'll never again do anything quite as good as it. We truly hope we are wrong.)