came into existence on January 19th, 1991 and received a Viking funeral on August 15th, 1996.

It was an Amiga games magazine. About games. On the Amiga. Not printers. Not Workbench. Not the Atari ST, or its relative technical merits. Not films. Not pop music. Not football. But games. Do you see?

We liked games. (We still do, except that we're all dead.) We liked games that ran on the Amiga. We didn't particularly care about the Amiga itself, save that it had to thrive in order for us to play the Amiga games we liked.

We despised almost everyone else involved with the Amiga games business, because they were fools, liars and charlatans. Sometimes all three. Some of these we despised were: Amiga Action for being appalling writers and not knowing anything about games; Team 17 for cynically manufacturing and exploiting an undeserved Alex Higgins-style "People's Champion" image; Stuart N Hardy for being himself; the grand mass of Amiga owners for falling for hype over content time and time again, despite our most strident efforts to help them; and many of our own readers, for apparently not being able to read.

Sometimes, although almost no one noticed, we also loved things. We loved good games (some of which exist only on the Amiga even today), regardless of their advertising budgets. We loved Vulcan and software publishers like them, for being intelligent enough to accept legitimate criticism, even the most severe, with professional grace. We loved our more attentive readers, who understood both the jokes and the serious bits. (We were always funny (we hoped). We were never joking.) And anyone who took the time to listen to what we had to say, even if they still disagreed with it afterwards. Especially then. We loved some of the funny things clever people sent us, like the great Super Skidmarks In The Style Of... The Italian Job demo that we never did get to put on a cover CD. We loved all of these things, and more besides.

Though it no longer exists in physically tangible form, the spirit of AMIGA POWER cannot be killed. We regret nothing. We apologise for nothing.

But this is not AMIGA POWER. This is AP2. What are you, stupid or something?

Or what?