The Secretary of the Parlour Committee awaits your correspondence

1. In order to streamline administrative Procedures, the Parlour DOES now request that patrons supply documentation with their initial Submission. The Parlour Committee will reflect upon the claims and submit them to its own Verification.

2. Simply dispatch by carrier pigeon or Similar method, a brief Message detailing the extent of your endeavours to the gentlemen of the Parlour Committee. A simple listing of Game and Score will be appreciated in addition to the inclusion of the Documentation, to aid speed of due Process.

3. While various Safeguards are in place to prevent Dishonesty, they are not Foolproof. Should the urge to Embroider your feats become strong, remember the old maxim - to Cheat a gentleman is to Cheat Oneself. Remain true to the Spirit of the Parlour. Or, it may safely be ventured, all Meaning is lost.

NB It is further noted by the Secretary that all Achievements submitted by gentlemen must have been accomplished subject to the appropriate default settings, to ensure gentlemanly fair play.

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