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SUBSCRIBER'S LETTER 7 - November 1993

Dear Subscriber,

Sorry. It's me. Linda's gone home early, and they need the subscriber's letter by this afternoon, y'see, so you're going to have to put up with the miserable Scottish one again. But hey, what a month it's been. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to tell you any of the REALLY interesting things that happened, but hopefully there's enough in the issue to keep you entertained through Christmas.

We've got probably our most review-packed issue of all time, with no less than 42 pages devoted to the festive season's finest software (and that's NOT including The Bottom Line), but the truly impressive thing is that that's still substantially less than half the total number of pages of what we in the biz like to call 'editorial' (that's pages which aren't adverts, basically) in the magazine. Do you know that if you laid all the editorial pages in this issue of AMIGA POWER end to end, in fact, they'd reach all the way to the moon and back? Assuming, of course, that you started from a position no more than about 20 feet away from the moon's surface, or thereabouts. Er, I'll start again.

Here's an interesting statistical fact - did you know that if you cut out every single letter 'e' from just one issue of AMIGA POWER and stacked them up in a neat pile on the floor of the Houses Of Parliament, there'd be at least a 43% chance of you getting locked up for being totally bonkers? Um, no, that wasn't really what I wanted to say either. I've forgotten what I was talking about now.

Hey, did you ever wonder what was the best beat-'em-up on the Amiga? No? Me neither. Damn.

The FES was good, wasn't it?

Oh God, this just isn't going to work. I'll make you a deal. If you can persuade at least five of your friends to subscribe to AMIGA POWER before the end of this year, I'll promise to make absolutely certain that I never write another one of these letters again, and you'll never have to read any more of this rubbish ever again. Okay?


Stuart Campbell
Deputy Editor

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