The Great Rack'n'Rule Swindle*
The Internet is full of lies. This much we
already knew. But more than that, it's full of innocent and trusting
naiveté that causes the lies to spread far and wide, which is why every
single piece of writing you'll find on the web about this game is almost
entirely false and shouldn't be trusted. (With the exception of this
page you're reading now, of course.) For reference we'll take the
Play.com page, which is lifted from the same press release that every
other site has also copied word for word and unquestioningly printed as
gospel truth.
- Enjoy the traditional game
and play fun minigames such as Scrabble Hold'Em
(bet against your opponents on the best word you
can do) and Tempest on the Scrabble (Scrabble
game where you can change the rules as you
- Get your Scrabbler Profile
and compare it with your friends. Through a
large number of statistics and unlock
achievements the game will determine which
Scrabbler you are!
- Play Scrabble against friend,
family and online opponents. Play on the same DS
through the hot-seat mode or wirelessly wherever
you are.
- Enter a single-player
campaign to learn the Scrabble basics and
improve yourself. Progress through a
light-hearted story, from local Scrabble
competitions to prestigious international
events. Begin as a rookie and become an
undisputed champion.
- Scrabble: 2009 Edition
features a very adaptable yet powerful AI. As a
beginner you can train yourself with a forgiving
opponent and as a veteran match yourself against
a top-notch AI that will challenge you.
- Play with the updated
official Scrabble Collins Dictionary. |
Exactly half of these claims are true.
The other half, repeated on dozens of gaming websites across the
net, are total lies. To find out which is which, and whether there
have really been two completely different official DS
Scrabble games released in the same month, read on.

Most of the dialogue in the
Euro game's Campaign mode sounds like sinister homosexual innuendo.
We might as well deal with the second
question first. The answer to it is, bizarrely, "Yes". Despite there
already being a perfectly serviceable DS port of Scrabble, released
by Ubisoft in 2007, this month has seen two entirely separate new
versions appear. One, a European title from Ubisoft again, is
basically an updated version of the 2007 game, claiming to feature
the improvements listed in that box up above. The other, for the
American market, is a radically new version built from the ground up
by Hasbro and published by EA. Apart from both being Scrabble, the
two games could barely be any more dissimilar, so let's take a
closer look.
(2,693 words), BECOME A
* Really,
really sorry.