Looney Tunes Cartoon Conductor (DS)
Or Ouendan Bunny, to give it a more
fitting name. This should be the best thing ever, right? Combine the
awesomeness of two of the DS's defining games (we don't count Elite
Beat Agents here) with classic Warner cartoons and you can't go
wrong, surely? Well, only a bit.
The track-select screen doesn't look like this
preview shot any more. Man!
It starts off abysmally, forcing you
through a tutorial even though you already know how to play bloody
Ouendan, as it's sold a trillion copies everywhere. Hit Start to try
to skip the tutorial and the only options you get are "Quit" (back
to the menu) and "Restart" (back to the start of the tutorial,
hngh). Resist smashing your DS at this point and you eventually find
out that there's a slight tickle to the controls - you have to keep
the stylus on the screen throughout any given sequence (1-2-3-4
etc), though you can lift it between sequences - but nothing that
couldn't have been explained in a line of text. Oh, and there's also
a replacement for Ouendan's disc-spinning sections, where instead
notes fall down the screen and you have to tap them as they hit the
circles at the bottom like an upside-down Dance Dance Revolution,
but that one's incredibly obvious without instruction.
(The restart thing, incidentally, also
applies in-game. So if you get an itchy nose, or drop the stylus, or
have to answer the phone and you hit Start to pause, you're not
actually pausing. The only places to go after that are back to the
song menu or back to the start of the stage you're on, which is so
idiotic it defies all rational sense.)
So grit your teeth and after a couple of minutes you'll get to the
(1,372 words), BECOME A