One of the things I disliked most about Kick
Off and the culture of incompetent lying bollocks surrounding it was the
notion that it was a true game of skill - that yeah, it was difficult to
get to grips with, but when you mastered the controls it opened up a fluid
world of Gullit-esque sexy football, and good players would destroy bad
ones effortlessly. After an office argument one day, I decided to put this
to the test.
Amiga Format, our sister magazine, had been a bastion of support for Kick
Off. All the writers on AF loved it, and had been playing it for many
months by the time Amiga Power was created. They were considered to be
pretty hot players, so I strode into their office and demanded the right
of combat. I still couldn't string two passes together, so logically I
should have been in for a major tanking. The
AF veterans crowded around to watch the uppity new kid get taught a
Since there was no point in taking them on
at their own game, I opted for a Liverpool-style spoiling approach. That
is, every time I got the ball I hoofed it as hard as I could in whichever
direction I happened to be facing at the time, and when I didn't have the
ball I launched into brutal scything challenges from in front, behind or
to the side. As a gameplan it was about as sophisticated as Happy Shopper
sausages, and should have been easy meat (with 72% sawdust and additives)
for my highly-experienced and skilful opponents.
We played a total of eight
five-minutes-each-way games. I lost one 2-0, and the other seven all ended
in goalless draws.
Shit. Videogame.
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