Date: October 2008
Game: Ketsui Death Label (DS)
Reason: because somebody has to.
“Bullet hell” shoot-‘em-ups never get
reviewed properly in the West, either in print or online, because
almost nobody knows the first thing about shmup culture. It’s an
area of gaming that’s turned inwards on itself almost as much as the
world of the 2D fighting game, which is now almost completely
impenetrable to outsiders. (Street Fighter 2 and its derivatives
have now been released about eight times in the last two years,
because it’s the last fighting game that the ordinary gamer could
It’s into that world that Cave/Arika
have chosen to release the DS’s first bullet-hell shmup (and indeed
only about its fourth shmup of any kind), and it’s not likely to get
much of a welcome from anyone else. Cave’s games are at the hardest
end of the hardcore spectrum (their last major home release,
Mushihimesama for the PS2, is probably the most
bullet-hell game ever – heck, even the name is almost impossible to
spell), and while Ketsui is relatively restrained by their
standards, this DS implementation of it is so refined and distilled
that anyone but the most hate-filled, wild-eyed shooter obsessive
(hello!) is going to recoil from it in horror.

This is the only stage of the normal game that
even approximates a normal shmup.
The first thing to note is that this
isn’t even an attempt to port the vertical-screen arcade game. The
“Death Label” tag signifies that the DS game is exclusively a
boss-rush, featuring only the increasingly-gruelling stage-end
guardians from the coin-op, which are hurled at you one after the
other with steadily-increasing savagery. There’s the traditional
complex scoring system to figure out, which is essentially based
around proximity to enemies, with point-blank shooting with your
special weapon (which makes your ship move more slowly, making
bullet-dodging trickier) producing the
biggest rewards and getting killed damaging your score multiplier.
(Relatively unusually in a game of this type, you don’t suffer
score-wise for using your smartbombs, and indeed the game is built
around their frequent deployment.) But even beyond that, KDL is
structured in such a way as to have almost no appeal to anyone other
the most absolutely dedicated shmup devotee.
The main mode offers eight difficulty
levels, of which three are unlocked at the start – Novice, Normal
and the final Doom Mode, a special mode which pits you endlessly
against the game’s final boss, Doom. Each difficulty setting you
beat unlocks the next one in line. Novice mode gives you just three
bosses to deal with, who are limited to very restricted shooting,
and even without using your Bomb weapon it’s easy to complete first
time in roughly 90 seconds. Normal mode gives you four bosses and
ups their firepower a bit, and so on through Hard A, Hard B, Hard C
and Very Hard, by which point you’ve got 10 super-enemies to tackle,
each of which can fill the screen with the traditional pink and blue
bullets. Finally you get to Death Label mode, in which the bosses
are in their modified and most fearsome forms, and the bullet
patterns are a frighteningly big leap up from Very Hard.

This is the
first boss you'll encounter with interesting bullet patterns. (This
isn't one of them.)
The bullet patterns are in fact one of
KDL’s more attractive features. Starting out as standard uni-directional
projectile trails, by later in the game the enemy’s shots are
performing elaborate and beautiful aerobatics, even by the standards
of the genre’s most extreme titles - swooping out, swirling around,
looping and re-looping, coming from all directions at once
(including, rather harshly, off-screen and behind you) and
generating more bullets of their own in a bewildering choreography
that’s entrancing to behold even as it blows you out of the sky. But
they have to struggle somewhat to be made out - adding another layer
of difficulty - because much of the screen is hugely cluttered for a
lot of the time by the showers of bonus tokens you get for shooting
enemies with your powerful laser rather than the standard Vulcan
cannon. (Bullets take precedence in the display, so they’re never
actually hidden, but the tokens obscure enemies and distract you
from the enemy fire.)
The better you play the worse this
situation gets, as the tokens increase in size along with their
value, so if you’re playing for points and shooting enemies from as
close as possible, the screen will most of the time look like
someone’s constantly dumping tankerloads of paving slabs onto it
from above. The game has realised this is an issue, and there’s an
option to reduce the number of frames for which the tokens are
visible, but that adds a rather unpleasant element of constant
flicker to proceedings, and you can’t switch them off entirely.

See? We weren't kidding about the tokens.
You have two ships to choose from
(whose attributes are barely distinguishable from each other, and
whose "normal" firing modes are entirely useless), and the game keeps
separate high scores for each ship type at each level. So far so
good, right? Everyone can find their own level of challenge and
high-score it until they feel able to move up. Sadly not. Because KDL knows how little chance there is of most gamers being able to
handle any of the higher levels, every time you fail (even if you
just pressed Start and then wandered off to make a cuppa) it takes
pity on you and gives you an extra life. By the time you get to 20
lives it just gives up on you in disgust and unlocks the next level
But what that means, of course, is
that the high score you just sweated blood over is meaningless,
because the next time you play that level you’ll have an extra
unearned life, each of which comes with numerous extra smartbombs.
(You get three per ship to start with, but every time you destroy a
boss you start the next one with four fresh bombs, so one extra ship
can add as many as 39 bombs to your armoury.) I’d hoped Death Label
level might be an uncompromising “true” mode, restricting you
permanently to a fixed number of lives because there was nothing
left to unlock, but it’s just the same as the others, throwing
freebies at you with every restart. Lives are level-specific - if
you've earned 16 on Hard B and then beat it and move onto Hard C,
you're back to two for Hard C, but you'll have 17 the next time you
tackle Hard B - so in order to meaningfully challenge your own high
score on any given setting (ie play it with the same number of lives
you got the previous score with), you'll have to play the game on
EACH difficulty level at least 17 times.
That leaves only Training Mode, a
single-stage score attack where you can battle any individual boss
at any of the difficulty levels you’ve unlocked. Unfortunately, even
this mode lets you set your own number of lives and bombs, and
doesn’t save highscores at all, so it’s an even bigger waste of time. And
that’s just about it, apart from some multiplayer modes which are basically
just lots of people playing the same level at the same time to see
who gets the highest score. (You can have up to eight players, but
the chances of you ever finding that many KDL fans online at once
are pretty much zero. I haven't managed one yet.)

These bullets come from all four compass points
at once, which is a little harsh.
I played Ketsui Death Label so much
this month because there’s nothing finer than a well-built shmup,
and I was desperately hoping to eventually find a worthwhile game
mode in it. The technical standards are excellent, proving that the
DS can handle real bullet-hell games, and indeed this release made
me yearn like a madman for a DS port of the majestic Giga Wing,
whose horizontal-format screen and comparatively low graphical
standards would be a superb fit for the little handheld. But even
for the most fanatic shmup-lover, there’s nothing here that makes
any rational sense – after the several hours of drudgery required
before you can even meaningfully challenge your own high scores (the
number of lives awarded for each difficulty level tops out at 20, so
at least at that point you’re fighting yourself on a level playing
field), you’ll be too heartily sick of the game and its small enemy
roster to bother.
Ironically, exactly when most people
will have finally given up, the game relents and offers up Extra Mode, a secret
reward for beating Death Label level, which DOES restrict you to a
fixed number of lives – a savagely stingy two of them, in fact.
Furthermore, Extra Mode is actually a proper level (apparently a
"remix" of the arcade game's fifth stage) rather than a
boss sequence, with waves of ordinary cannon-fodder enemies and a
variety of armoured units. It proves that Ketsui Death Label could
have been a traditional-style shmup if it had wanted to be, which
makes limiting it to a hardcore-only boss rush all the more
baffling. (Intriguingly, the layout of the main menu screen appears to have room
for at least one more secret mode after Extra, but I have no idea if
one exists, and the startling savagery of Extra makes finding out
seem deeply implausible.)

Your firepower is considerably less devastating
than its graphical representation implies.
Perhaps proper levels would have made
the cart impracticably big and expensive – it’s already a massive
128MB monster filed along with the very heftiest of DS titles. (Most
games for the system coming in at 16, 32 or 64MB.) But it’s hard to
see where all that memory is going, unless it’s on the little unlockable cartoon cutscenes in which the development team discuss
aspects of the game, sometimes accompanied by little gameplay
videos. These look like a lot of fun – they’re entirely in Japanese,
so WoS can’t say for sure – but it would seem a very odd sense of
priorities if they were the reason the DS wasn’t making a more
complete attempt at porting the arcade game.
But in any event, Extra Mode isn’t
unlocked automatically on reaching 20 lives like the other
difficulty settings – you actually have to beat Death Label mode,
which features all 10 superhard boss incarnations plus Doom, and
most players will have so little chance of seeing it that it might
as well not be there at all. (And even if you should possess the
necessary mad shmup ultraskillz, you’re going to be looking at a
minimum of six hours of slogging away before you can open it up, and
probably many more.)
Luckily for WoS viewers, however, we’re there
for you when you need us, and
this handy save file unlocks all the
main play modes including Extra. (As an unavoidable by-product there
are existing high scores in the save, which unfortunately can’t be
reset, but for most levels the Ship B setting has a “clean” score
field which you can use for yourself. Ship B is slightly better
anyway. NOTE: Obviously, the save file only
works with flashcarts, not the shop-bought game. Pirates getting a
better deal than legitimate purchasers again, there – good work,
videogames industry.)

This is how
you'll probably feel if you were looking forward to Ketsui Death
Label as a DS shmup.
The many missed opportunities in KDL
are a real shame, and absolutely mystifying, because Japanese
shooting games are usually wonderfully structured in terms of both
replay value (Gradius V and Raiden 3 being particularly good
examples, alongside the stellar home version of Giga Wing) and
accessibility to gamers with a range of abilities. But this one
seems to have been constructed with no thought whatsoever as to what
the purpose of playing it was, and with no interest in appealing to
anything but the very narrowest range of aficionados. We can only
hope that it nevertheless serves to other shmup publishers as a
demonstration of what the DS is capable of in this field, and leads
to much better future releases for which we’ll owe Ketsui Death
Label a debt of gratitude. On its own merits, it deserves none.
A shorter version of this piece originally
appeared on Snappy Gamer.